I am trying to convert a factor (tickets_other) in a data frame (p2) into an integer. Following the R help guide, as well as other advice from others, this code should work:
The column does contain NAs, and so I get a warning:
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion
Which is fine, but after coercing it to numeric, it still reads as a factor:
[1] "factor"
The same result happens if I use as.numeric(as.character.()):
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion
[1] "factor"
I fixed the problem. It was actually very simple. The command:
is correct, but I failed to store the result:
p2$tickets_other <- as.numeric(levels(p2$tickets_other))[p2$tickets_other]
Simple mistake, it retrospect. Thanks to DMT for the suggestion.