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Having some trouble executing "svn log" with Process.Start() in LINQPad

Process.Start("svn.exe", "log c:\\work\\lidac\\v1\\ -r {2014-09-01}:{2014-09-24} --xml > c:\\work\\commits.xml");

SVN is throwing an error over the >

Error resolving case of >

I am not sure why. The same command works if I type it directly into the command prompt. Any ideas?


  • You are passing that redirect output symbol to the svn.exe process. He doesn't understand what > c:\work\commits.xml means. If you want to do the redirect output to a file, you can either write code to get the output from the process object, or try something like:

    Process.Start("cmd.exe", @"/C svn log C:\work\lidac\v1\ -r {2014-09-01}:{2014-09-24} --xml > c:\work\commits.xml");