First time attempted ractive and got errors. [Object object] printed repeatedly. Tried to merge both files into one (problem is that the collection and ad are different so how to combine both?)
Advertisements and non-advertisements would be printed out respectively, meaning advertisement items should be printed out first in freewall layout and after that, non-ad items will be printed out.
Somewhere in code i might have gone wrong.
Ractive Template
<script id="thumbnail-tmpl" type="text/ractive">
{{#if advertised}}
<div class="thumb">
<span class="thumb-caption">
<div class="thumb">
<span class="thumb-caption">
{{/#if advertised}}
;(function() {
var finalObj = $.merge(collections, ad);
new Ractive({
el: document.querySelector('[data-freewall]'),
template: '#thumbnail-tmpl',
items: response,
advertised: response.advertised
<div data-freewall></div>
help will be appreciated.
Updated: Still have problems Keep on seeing test message -
[object Object],success,[object Object],[object Object],success,[object Object]
Also {{/if}}
and {{/each}}
are giving illegal errors
).then(function(collections, advertised){
var items = collections.concat(advertised);
items.sort(function(a, b){
return b.advertised ? 0 : -1;
return b.advertised ? 1 : 0;
var ractive = new Ractive({
el: document.querySelector('[data-freewall]'),
template: '#thumbnail-tmpl',
items: items
In json files from two urls
"advertised": [
{ "title": "Rabbit",
"subtitle": "Nibble",
"advertised": true
{ "title": "Dog",
"subtitle": "Woof",
"advertised": true
{ "title": "Cat",
"subtitle": "Purr",
"advertised": true
"collections": [
{ "title": "Horse",
"subtitle": "Na~~",
"advertised": false
{ "title": "Turkey",
"subtitle": "Gobble",
"advertised": false
{ "title": "Goat",
"subtitle": "Baaaa",
"advertised": false
{ "title": "Snake",
"subtitle": "hissssss",
"advertised": false
Still not seeing anything display on the page - show blank even if errors are corrected. I am wondering if the json files are a reason -- because we can't access to collection and advertised in json files?
Help please and appreciate it
The reason you're getting [object Object]
is that you're trying to print {{items}}
directly - use {{#each items}}...{{/each}}
instead (or just {{#items}}...{{/items}}
if you prefer the compact syntax). There's also an error with {{/#if advertised}}
- use {{/if}}
The easiest way to combine data from two different JSON files, if you're using jQuery AJAX, is probably to nest the callbacks...
$.getJSON('path/to/collections.json').then(function (collections) {
$.getJSON('path/to/advertised.json').then(function (advertised) {
// code goes here
...though it would be more ideal to use deferreds so that you can fetch the files in parallel:
).then( function ( a, b ) {
var collections = a[0].collections, advertised = b[0].advertised;
// code goes here
Now for the code to combine the two arrays. You don't need to use jQuery for this, since you're just concatenating two arrays:
var items = collections.concat( advertised );
You can sort them however you like using items.sort(sortFunction)
. Feed that into your Ractive instance, and everything works as expected (there's an example sort function there).
Once you've done that, you can use the freewall plugin on the container element.