I have this code and its calculating all the rows in the column correct
and igonring the LIMIT 5
The line of code thats getting ignored
$last5rate = $db->prepare("select sum(correct)
from exams where username = :username ORDER BY testID DESC LIMIT 5");
here is the whole code
//if not logged in redirect to login page
if(!$user->is_logged_in()){ header('Location: login.php'); }
$username = $_SESSION['username'];
$last5rate = $db->prepare("select sum(correct) from exams where username = :username ORDER BY testID DESC LIMIT 5");
$last5rate->execute(array(':username' => $username));
for($i=0; $rows = $last5rate->fetch(); $i++){
//Edit this row
$last5 = $rows['sum(correct)'];
$last5final = $last5 / 10;
echo $last5final;
I have tried the following methods
select sum(correct) from exams where username
= :username ORDER BY testID DESC LIMIT 0,5
select sum(correct) from exams where username
= :username ORDER BY testID DESC LIMIT 5
limits the amount of results it returns
Your SUM
always returns 1 result, so your limit will not do anything.
You might need something like this (untested, just for example)
SELECT sum(correct) FROM(
select correct from exams where username
= :username DESC LIMIT 5
I removed the order, fiddle with it as needed.