This is working:
$x = new classname();
This is not working:
$class = "classname";
$x = new $class();
The error I get is "Class classname not found". PHP version is 5.4.22. Any ideas? As far as I have researched into this topic this is exactly what you need to do in order to instantiate a class using a variable.
My actual testcode (copy+paste), $build = 1:
//include the update file
$class="db_update_" . str_pad($build, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
require_once(__ROOT__ . "/dbupdates/" . $class . ".php");
$x = new db_update_0001();
$x = new $xyz();
The class definition:
namespace dbupdates;
class db_update_0001 extends db_update
I just found out that my editor added
use dbupdates\db_update_0001;
to the file. So that explains why "new db_update_0001();" is working. What i want to achieve is that I dynamically include database updates which are stored in files like dbupdates/db_update_0001.php
Regards, Alex
You have to use the full qualified class name. Which is namespace\classname
. So in your case the code should be:
$x = new db_update_0001();
$x = new $xyz();
The use
statement is useless if you like to instantiate a class by using a variable as classname.