Client Code:
$scope.socket = new SockJS("ws/ws");
$scope.stompClient = Stomp.over($scope.socket);
$scope.stompClient.connect("guest", "guest",connectCallback, errorCallback);
//in connectCallback
$scope.stompClient.subscribe('/topic/agent-sendstatus', showScreenPop);
Java Code:
public void testmethod()
//How do i get ServletContext here to further implement solution?
Please suggest. I am getting session using SimpMessageHeaderAccessor in the controller but i need ServletContext too. Is there some way in Spring?
When you upgrade to WebSocket there's no HTTP involved in the communication, the only place where you have HTTP is during the handshake. You could implement a HandshakeInterceptor
to get the ServletContext and expose any parameter to the WebSocket session, so you can get them in your message handler method with a HeaderAccessor. Check out the HttpSessionHandshakeInterceptor for an example.