I'm trying to use empty() in array mapping in php. I'm getting errors that it's not a valid callback.
$ cat test.php
$arrays = array(
'arrEmpty' => array(
foreach ( $arrays as $key => $array ) {
echo $key . "\n";
echo array_reduce( $array, "empty" );
var_dump( array_map("empty", $array) );
echo "\n\n";
$ php test.php
Warning: array_reduce(): The second argument, 'empty', should be a valid callback in /var/www/authentication_class/test.php on line 12
Warning: array_map(): The first argument, 'empty', should be either NULL or a valid callback in /var/www/authentication_class/test.php on line 13
Shouldn't this work?
Long story: I'm trying to be (too?) clever and checking that all array values are not empty strings.
It's because empty
is a language construct and not a function. From the manual on empty():
Note: Because this is a language construct and not a function, it cannot be called using variable functions