I have the following XML doc:
<book ISBN="0942407296">
<title>Baking Extravagant Pastries with Kumquats</title>
<book ISBN="0865436401">
<title>Emu Care and Breeding</title>
To get the title for example, I use:
How can I get the ISBN (the "0942407296") using the myXML.book...
var final_r= new java.util.ArrayList();
stringBuilder = new java.lang.StringBuilder();
var xml_ISBN= new XML(stringBuilder);
var final_rez = new Array();
//open the XML for reading
var file = new java.io.FileReader (XML_location));
while ((line=file.readLine()) !=null) {
//how many ISBN we have in the XML
if (line.contains ("ISBN")) counter=counter+1; }
for (var i=0;i<counter;i++) {
final_rez[i]=xml_ISBN.book[i]; var convert_str=(xml_ESI.book[i]).toString();