I installed latest OpsCenter (v5.0.0, through AMI 3cf7c979), found here) on EC2 m3.large. When adding new nodes through the admin interface (port 8888), I get this error:
Error: Start stage failed: Failed to start node [ip]: Timed out waiting for Cassandra to start.
The log on the individual server is:
CassandraDaemon.java (line 235) Directory /mnt/cassandra/data doesn't exist
CassandraDaemon.java (line 239) Has no permission to create /mnt/cassandra/data directory
How come new nodes don't have the permissions to create the /mnt/cassandra dir?
I generated a key/secret with all permissions for the "Amazon EC2 Credentials".
If I manually SSH every new instance, create the /mnt/cassandra dir, chown it and restart the service - it works. I expected it to happen automatically.
I ended up ditching the AMI. It was probably not up-to-date. I installed opscenter with apt-get on a fresh ubuntu machine and everything worked great.