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Multiple RKRequestDescriptors with same RKRequestMethod

I have two routes:

POST /food.json

Request body:{"food": {"name":"Banana", color:"yellow"}}

Request Descriptor:

RKRequestDescriptor *createRequestDescriptor = [RKRequestDescriptor requestDescriptorWithMapping:createMapping 
    objectClass:[Food class] 


POST /food/batch.json

Request body: {"foods": [{"name":"Banana", color:"yellow"}, {"name":"Apple", "color":"red" }]}

Request Descriptor:

RKRequestDescriptor *batchRequestDescriptor = [RKRequestDescriptor requestDescriptorWithMapping:createMapping 
     objectClass:[Food class] 


The problem I am running into is the that the create and batch request both use POST request methods, so if I try to add them both as request descriptors, I get: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Cannot add request descriptor: An existing descriptor is already registered for the class 'Food' and HTTP method'(POST)'.'

Is there a conditional for request descriptors where I can say:

Use the batchRequestDescriptor for path /food/batch and use the createRequestDescriptor for the /food path?


  • In this case you would use named routes (RKRoute Instances), and when you want to make a POST you would use requestWithPathForRouteNamed:object:parameters: and then create your operation from the route.

    It's more common to see your situation for GET and that's why getObjectsAtPathForRouteNamed:object:parameters:success:failure: exists, but you will need to do a little more work (and/or create your own convenience method).