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CocoaLumberJack XCTest Linker Error when running test cases

When using CocoaLumberJack with XCTest, I get an error that it cannot find the DDLog.h. I've tried changing it to <CocoaLumberjack/DDLog.h> with no luck. The project compiles and runs fine with LumberJack working in the iOS Simulator, but when I run it for the unit testing target, I get this error (See Screenshot).

Here is my -Prefix.pch

  #import <Availability.h>

  #ifndef __IPHONE_5_0
  #warning "This project uses features only available in iOS SDK 5.0 and later."

  #ifdef __OBJC__
      #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
      #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
      #import <CoreData/CoreData.h>
      #import <CocoaLumberjack/DDLog.h>
      #import "Utilities.h"

  #ifdef DEBUG
  static const int ddLogLevel = LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE;
  static const int ddLogLevel = LOG_LEVEL_ERROR;



I've linked the libraries to to the tests target also as shown below with the libPods.a.

Linked Libraries

Why won't LumberJack link properly when running the TestCases? Is there something else I need to add to the TestTarget for it to link properly?


  • I was able to resolve the issue by removing the customizations to the -Prefix.pch file and reformat the podfile to use targets. I had to move the

     #import "DDLog.h"


    #ifdef DEBUG
    static const int ddLogLevel = LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE;
    static const int ddLogLevel = LOG_LEVEL_ERROR;

    into a `Utility.h' class.

    The podfile was rebuilt to link both targets:

    platform :ios, '7.0'
    def common_pods
        pod 'CocoaLumberjack'
        pod 'HexColors'
    target :MyApp do
    target :MyAppTests do

    I also had to remove the libPods.a from both targets since it would no longer be built. Instead libPods-MyApp.a and libPods-MyAppTests.a are built with the new podfile configuration.