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WPF MetroTheme = Icon Ressources

Icon on button with Icon ressources Metro

I want to add image in my button with the metro pack icon, but i cant add the resources in my App.xaml

I used this command : Install-Package MahApps.Metro.Resources and added <ResourceDictionary Source="/Resources/Icons.xaml" /> In my App.xaml but this line didnt work, I have an error...

So I cant add my image with <VisualBrush Visual="{StaticResource appbar_add}" />

Source: official documentation But I cant use the icon resource.


  • The MahApps.Metro.Resources package does not contain the styles for those circle buttons. Use command Install-Package MahApps.Metro.

    App.xaml: App.xaml

    MainWindow.xaml: Window.xaml

    Result: Result