I have a form which has 10 questions with rating bars. I need to display 10 questions in same page. The questions won't fit for a screen so I need to make a vertical scroll and should able to view 10 questions in same page. I tried many ways But it is not working. Please help me with vertical scroll view?
<Window id="questionnaireWin" title="questionnaire" platform="android,ios">
<View id="header">
<Label id="title">questions form</Label>
<ScrollView showHorizontalScrollIndicator="true" id="Scroll" layout="vertical">
<View class="questionsContainer">
<View class="row">
<Label class="question">1. This ifdsfhsdfkdlsf fjklads fjagfhad fha kasd fk fadkf adsfk asdf adsk fads fadhsfk adshf kadsf hhdasf hadk fhadks fhhads kfhhad sf</Label>
<Require type="widget" src="starrating" class="starRating" id="starR1" max='5' initialRating='2.5'></Require>
<View class="row">
<Label class="question">2. This ifdsfhsdfkdlsf fjklads fjagfhad fha kasd fk fadkf adsfk asdf adsk fads fadhsfk adshf kadsf hhdasf hadk fhadks fhhads kfhhad sf </Label>
<Require type="widget" src="starrating" class="starRating" id="starR2" max='5' initialRating='3'></Require>
<View class="row">
<Label class="question">3. This ifdsfhsdfkdlsf fjklads fjagfhad fha kasd fk fadkf adsfk asdf adsk fads fadhsfk adshf kadsf hhdasf hadk fhadks fhhads kfhhad sf</Label>
<Require type="widget" src="starrating" class="starRating" id="starR3" max='5' initialRating='2'></Require>
<View class="row">
<Label class="question">4. This ifdsfhsdfkdlsf fjklads fjagfhad fha kasd fk fadkf adsfk asdf adsk fads fadhsfk adshf kadsf hhdasf hadk fhadks fhhads kfhhad sf</Label>
<Require type="widget" src="starrating" class="starRating" id="starR4" max='5' initialRating='3.5'></Require>
<View class="row">
<Label class="question">5. This ifdsfhsdfkdlsf fjklads fjagfhad fha kasd fk fadkf adsfk asdf adsk fads fadhsfk adshf kadsf hhdasf hadk fhadks fhhads kfhhad sf </Label>
<Require type="widget" src="starrating" class="starRating" id="starR5" max='5' initialRating='2.5'></Require>
<View class="row">
<Label class="question">6. This ifdsfhsdfkdlsf fjklads fjagfhad fha kasd fk fadkf adsfk asdf adsk fads fadhsfk adshf kadsf hhdasf hadk fhadks fhhads kfhhad sf</Label>
<Require type="widget" src="starrating" class="starRating" id="starR6" max='5' initialRating='3'></Require>
<View class="row">
<Label class="question">7. This ifdsfhsdfkdlsf fjklads fjagfhad fha kasd fk fadkf adsfk asdf adsk fads fadhsfk adshf kadsf hhdasf hadk fhadks fhhads kfhhad sf</Label>
<Require type="widget" src="starrating" class="starRating" id="starR7" max='5' initialRating='2'></Require>
<View class="row">
<Label class="question">8. HThis ifdsfhsdfkdlsf fjklads fjagfhad fha kasd fk fadkf adsfk asdf adsk fads fadhsfk adshf kadsf hhdasf hadk fhadks fhhads kfhhad sf? </Label>
<Require type="widget" src="starrating" class="starRating" id="starR8" max='5' initialRating='3.5'></Require>
<View class="row">
<Label class="question">9. This ifdsfhsdfkdlsf fjklads fjagfhad fha kasd fk fadkf adsfk asdf adsk fads fadhsfk adshf kadsf hhdasf hadk fhadks fhhads kfhhad sf </Label>
<Require type="widget" src="starrating" class="starRating" id="starR9" max='5' initialRating='2'></Require>
<View class="row">
<Label class="question">10. vThis ifdsfhsdfkdlsf fjklads fjagfhad fha kasd fk fadkf adsfk asdf adsk fads fadhsfk adshf kadsf hhdasf hadk fhadks fhhads kfhhad sf</Label>
<Require type="widget" src="starrating" class="starRating" id="starR10" max='5' initialRating='3.5'></Require>
<View class="row">
<Button class="processRating">Procees</Button>
And the style code is as follows for the above view,
"#questionnaireWin": {
layout: 'vertical',
fullscreen: false,
navBarHidden: true
"#header": {
top: 0,
height: "50dp",
width: Ti.UI.FILL,
backgroundGradient: {
type: "linear",
startPoint: { x: "0%", y:"0%"},
endPoint: { x: "0%", y:"100%"},
colors: [
{ color: "#4F94CD", offset: 0.0 },
{ color: "#4F94CD", offset: 1.0 }
"#title": {
align: "center",
color: "#fff",
font: {
fontSize: '21dp',
fontWeight: 'bold'
This one was interesting. You have 10 rows, but each row is "20%" of the size of the questionsContainer. That means there is only enough space for 5 to show on the screen.
// height:'20%', // <--- Change this to something else that isn't 20%
height: "200dp",
Let me know if that doesn't fix it for you. I had made 4-5 other modifications before I stumbled on that one.