I tried many solutions on internet including
brew install qt
brew install sip
brew install pyqt
to successfully install it on osx. I am using PyCharm IDE to python development and want to install it for python 3.
I just cannot download pyqt4 libraries to mac, is there some specific steps i need to follow? Easy way? Hard way? anything...
Sorry, I am new to mac world.
The easiest way I've found is to use MacPorts. Once installed, simply run
sudo port install py34-pyqt4
and it will do the rest - install Python 3.4, pyqt4, and all the dependencies. You'll need to configure PyCharm to use the MacPorts version of Python (found in /opt/local/bin
), but after that you should be all set. There are many modules available through MacPorts, and for those that aren't you can always install py34-pip