I had some first experience with creating and traversing graphs. But now I have a problem, of which I don't now, if boost::graph has some algorithms to solve it.
Here is my graph-definition:
const int _AND = 1001;
const int _OR = 1002;
const int _ITEM = 1003;
struct gEdgeProperties
string label;
struct gVertexProperties
string label;
int typ; // _AND, _OR, ITEM
typedef adjacency_list< vecS, vecS, undirectedS, gVertexProperties, gEdgeProperties>
So BGraph contains items and logical relations between them. Now I would like to transform this graph into multiple graphs, each of which should contains NO or-relations, but represent all by the OR-vertices defind combinatorial alternates of items and their AND-relations.
An example: if there are three items A, B, C related so: A AND ( B OR C) then the result of the traversal should be two graphs, containing the following combinations: (1) A AND B (2) A AND C
My (simple) idea now is to traverse the graph, and each time the traversal finds an OR-vertex, to copy the whole graph and follow from there on each part of the OR-node recursive:
if graph[vertex] == OR {
for (... // each child vertex of vertex
BGraph newGraph = copy(Graph);
This won't work correctly, because my recursive call of each child would miss the stack structure (the information, how to come back upwards in the graph). This means: the traversal would climb down correct, but not upwards again.
I have no idea, if there is a more (or at all) efficient way to solve such a problem with boost::graph and its embedded algorithms.
But to me it seems to be an interesting problem, so I would like to discuss it here, maybe it leads to a deeper insight of boost::graph.
Thank you!
My overall approach would be to do a depth-first walk of the input graph, and construct the output graphs bottom-up. Because you want to construct an arbitrary number of graphs, the traversal function has to return a list of graphs.
So here's an algorithm in pseudo-code
-- syntax: [xxx,xxx,...]
is a list, and (xxx AND yyy)
is a node.
traverse (node):
if typeof(node) == term
return [ node ]
leftlist = traverse(node.left)
rightlist = traverse(node.right)
if node.condition == OR
result = leftlist .appendAll( rightlist )
else if node.condition == AND
result = [ ]
foreach left in leftlist
foreach right in rightlist
result .append( (left AND right) )
panic("unknown condition")
return result
For example: pass in ((A OR B) AND (C OR D))
The individual terms compile to simple lists:
A -> [A]
B -> [B]
C -> [C]
D -> [D]
The OR conditions simply become parallel queries:
(A OR B) -> [A] OR [B] -> [A, B]
(C OR D) -> [C] OR [D] -> [C, D]
The AND condition must be combined in all possible permutations:
(... AND ...) -> [A, B] AND [C, D] ->
[(A AND C), (A AND D), (B AND C), (B AND D)]
Hope this helps. If you cast it into C++, you'll have to take care of housekeeping, i.e., destroying intermediate list objects after they are no longer needed.