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How Can I reference pervious row in a mysql select query

Firstly I'm a sql rookie and only know the basics. I have tried googling ( and have seen some references and example of similar but I was not able to follow or apply to my problem), I'm not even 100% if it is possible in my situation. I'm trying figure out how to perform a select that involves calculating a column based on a column from the pervious row. I want the balance from the pervious to be the carry in the next:

I have a list of transactions

| id |   Date    |  time |  amount |  type    |
|  1 |2014-01-01 | 12:00 |   2000  |  payin   |
|  5 |2014-01-01 | 17:00 |    -20  |  payout  |
|  2 |2014-01-01 | 18:00 |    -20  |  payout  |
|  3 |2014-01-02 | 12:00 |    -10  |  payout  |
|  4 |2014-01-03 | 12:00 |   +300  |  payin   |

As you can see there is an id ( which is the primary key ) but its order is not guaranteed because a transaction could be back dated and added after more recent transactions have been. I would like to get the following but I am completely lost. SQL is not my area at all.

|   Date    |  time |  carry  |   amount | balance  |  type   |
|2014-01-01 | 12:00 |       0 |    2000  |     2000 |  payin  |
|2014-01-01 | 17:00 |    2000 |     -20  |     1980 |  payout |
|2014-01-01 | 17:00 |    1980 |     -20  |     1960 |  payout |
|2014-01-02 | 12:00 |    1960 |     -10  |     1950 |  payout |
|2014-01-03 | 12:00 |    1950 |      -1  |     1949 |  payout |
|2014-01-03 | 12:00 |    1949 |      -5  |     1944 |  payout |
|2014-01-03 | 12:00 |    1944 |    +300  |     2244 |  payin  |

and in turn I believe I can get the following by summing based on type and group by date

|   Date    |  carry  | total in | total out | balance | 
|2014-01-01 |       0 |    2000  |      -40  |   1960  | 
|2014-01-02 |    1960 |       0  |      -10  |    1950 | 
|2014-01-03 |    1950 |     300  |       -6  |    2244 | 

up till now I have been getting the desired result by querying the mysql data base from Nodejs for each date specific date using the following queries ( all performed separately ):

var sql_init_Balance_day ='select sum(amount) as total '+
                        'from transactions '+
                        'Where transaction_date<\''+mdate.format('YYYY-MM-DD')+'\'';

var sql_closing_Balance_day ='select sum(amount) as closingBalance '+
                        'from transactions '+
                        'Where transaction_date<\''+mtomorrow.format('YYYY-MM-DD')+'\'';

var sql_payins_day = 'select sum(amount) as deposits '+
                        'from transactions '+
                        'Where transaction_date=\''+mdate.format('YYYY-MM-DD')+'\''+
                        ' and type=\'payin\'';

var sql_payouts_day = 'select sum(amount) as deductions '+
                        'from transactions '+
                        'Where transaction_date=\''+mdate.format('YYYY-MM-DD')+'\' '+
                        'and type=\'payout\'';


  • You can calculate the carry using variables

    select `Date`, max(case when rowNum = 1 then carry end) carry,
        sum(case when type = 'payin' then amount else 0 end) total_in,
        sum(case when type = 'payout' then amount else 0 end) total_out,
        sum(amount) balance
    from (
        select `Date`, time, @balance carry, amount,
        (@balance := @balance + amount) balance, type,
        @rowNum := IF(`Date` = @prevDate, @rowNum + 1, 1) rowNum,
        @prevDate := `Date`
        from transactions 
        cross join (select @balance := 0) t1
        order by `Date`, time
    ) t1 group by `Date`

    Update: Another query using a self join. Self joins are typically slower than using variables but it might be good enough for what you need.

        coalesce(@prevBalance,0) carry,
        sum(case when t2.type = 'payin' and = then t2.amount else 0 end) total_in,
        sum(case when t2.type = 'payout' and = then t2.amount else 0 end) total_out,
        sum(t2.amount) balance,
        @prevBalance := sum(t2.amount)
    from transactions t1
    join transactions t2 on <=
    group by
    order by