I have a datase table with a list of books. Below is my sql statement:
SELECT `Book`.`id` , `Book`.`name` , `Book`.`isbn` , `Book`.`quantity_in_stock` , `Book`.`price` , (`Book`.`quantity_in_stock` * `Book`.`price`) AS `sales`, concat(`Author`.`name`, ' ', `Author`.`surname`) AS `author`
FROM `books` AS `Book`
LEFT JOIN authors AS `Author`
ON ( `Book`.`author_id` = `Author`.`id` )
WHERE (`Book`.`quantity_in_stock` * `Book`.`price`) > 5000.00
The query works fine and the workflow works fine too. However, I am wanting to access this through an API and make the 5000.00 value configurable through a variable bar.
Question is how do I make this possible such that when I call my API with my endpoint below it works?
What I want is to be able to re-use my workflow via an API and just pass a sales value I want to query the table against. Sales value can be 2000 or 5000 depending on what I want to achieve.
* Book
) > {salesValue}" in the Expression property then add a custom field called salesValue and pin that from the variable bar salesValue property. Set Escaping to SQL.If you want to return JSON, convert the result from the SQL Query to JSON using JSON Convert and then pin that to FgResponseBody and set FgResponseContentType to 'application/json'