My idea was to setup a script with GAS to record videos of my ip camera to google drive. Currently it can access the camera videostream, take data and save it do drive. It's not working because instead of getting a limited amount of data due to the http request header range parameter it takes the maximum size the http request could receive. Furthermore the asf video seems to get corrupted, and can't be played on VLC.
Any idea for making the script download a defined video size and in the correct format?
function myFunction() {
var URL = ''; // file to backup
var chunkSize = 1048576; // read the file in pieces of 1MB
var chunkStart = 0, chunkEnd = chunkStart + chunkSize;
var chunkHTTP = UrlFetchApp.fetch(URL, {
method: "get",
contentType: "video/x-ms-asf",
headers: {
"Range": "bytes=" + chunkStart + "-" + chunkEnd
var chunk = chunkHTTP.getContentText();
// write to Drive
try {
var folder = DocsList.getFolder('bakfolder');
} catch(err) {
var folder = DocsList.createFolder('bakfolder');
fileOnDrive = folder.createFile('ipcamera.asf', chunk);
Logger.log(" %s bytes written to drive", chunk.length);
I do not have an ip camera, so can't test and help you with the chunking of received data. But I suspect that you are using wrong methods for extracting received video data and saving it to Drive:
a) .getContentText() method gets the content of an HTTP response encoded as a string - probably wrong for working with video stream data. Try using .getBlob() or .getContent() instead;
b) folder.createFile(name, content) method creates a text file in the current folder. Use .createFile(blob) method instead.
You will most likely have t experiment with the stream bytes to get it as a blob Apps Script can work with. If I find an ip camera or another video stream I can access, I will test it out and update this.