I've developed fully functional Armenian keyboard extension for iOS8 system. When installing it on device or simulator, following "English" label is always displayed below the extensions name
In Info.plist
following is specified
Do I miss any setting ? How can I change "English" to let say "Armenian", or is it possible to get rid of it ?
Well, Actually I find it now,
For changing that, right click on info.plist and select Open as source code. and then find PrimaryLanguage
This string value, en-US (English for the US) by default, expresses the primary language for your keyboard using the pattern -. You can find a list of strings corresponding to languages and regions at This Link.
So I believe just changing it this way, would solve your problem :
Just change it to your custom language and voila! :)
Be sure that the mentioned PrimaryLanguage
property is a subproperty of