I have many cfcharts in my application. There are 32 X-axis labels, in one of my cfcharts, but only 18 of them are displaying. Other than that, the chart displays properly, but the x-axis labels are missing.
I have used JSON style for applying styles to chart and the Items-Overlap
attribute of ScaleX
is set to false
How do I display all labels in X-axis without skipping any?
chartwidth="690" showborder="yes"
title="Trend In Subject Rents" style="20currency.js" name="Qtr1">
<cfchartseries type="line"
seriescolor="navy" markerStyle="diamond" paintStyle="plain" >
<cfloop query="qry_subproperty">
<cfset variables.Yearquarter=ObjPropDetails.JoinYearQuarter(qry_subproperty.Yearquarter)>
<cfchartdata item="#variables.Yearquarter#" value="#round(qry_subproperty.Gross)#" >
<cfchartseries type="line"
seriescolor="red" markerstyle="rectangle">
<cfloop query="qry_subproperty">
<cfset variables.Yearquarter=ObjPropDetails.JoinYearQuarter(qry_subproperty.Yearquarter)>
<cfchartdata item="#variables.Yearquarter#" value="#round(qry_subproperty.Net)#" >
<cfchartseries type="line"
seriescolor="green" markerstyle="triangle">
<cfloop query="qry_subproperty">
<cfset variables.Yearquarter=ObjPropDetails.JoinYearQuarter(qry_subproperty.Yearquarter)>
<cfchartdata item="#variables.Yearquarter#" value="#round(qry_subproperty.Economic)#" >
Edit JS Style
"position":"50% 100%",
"line-width" : "1px"
"padding":"5 10",
"text":"The Gross Rent in this Qtr is %v ."
"padding":"5 10",
"text":"The Net Rent in this Qtr is %v ."
"padding":"5 10",
"text":"The Economic Rent in this Qtr is %v ."
You can do it 2 ways. One is through the js style sheet but you need to know the number of xAxis items. For your example of 32 you add "max-items":"32" to the scale-x style.
But it sounds like you need to make this more dynamic. So you will need to determine the number of xAxis prior to creating the chart. Set this value through the xAxis attribute of cfchart like the example below.
<!--- set max-items to recordcount of qry_subproperty --->
<cfset xAxis = {"max-items":"#qry_subproperty.recordcount#"}>
chartwidth="690" showborder="yes"
title="Trend In Subject Rents" style="20currency.js" name="Qtr1" xAxis='#xAxis#'>
<cfchartseries type="line"
seriescolor="navy" markerStyle="diamond" paintStyle="plain" >
<cfloop query="qry_subproperty">
<cfset variables.Yearquarter=ObjPropDetails.JoinYearQuarter(qry_subproperty.Yearquarter)>
<cfchartdata item="#variables.Yearquarter#" value="#round(qry_subproperty.Gross)#" >
<cfchartseries type="line"
seriescolor="red" markerstyle="rectangle">
<cfloop query="qry_subproperty">
<cfset variables.Yearquarter=ObjPropDetails.JoinYearQuarter(qry_subproperty.Yearquarter)>
<cfchartdata item="#variables.Yearquarter#" value="#round(qry_subproperty.Net)#" >
<cfchartseries type="line"
seriescolor="green" markerstyle="triangle">
<cfloop query="qry_subproperty">
<cfset variables.Yearquarter=ObjPropDetails.JoinYearQuarter(qry_subproperty.Yearquarter)>
<cfchartdata item="#variables.Yearquarter#" value="#round(qry_subproperty.Economic)#" >