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How to add buttons linked to your external tool in IntelliJ IDEA

I created some batch work and integrated it as ExternalTool to the IntelliJ IDEA. as described here: Configure Intellij IDEA to run batch file

But how can I add buttons to my toolbar that will activate the batch that defined as external tool?


  • It is quite easy.

    Assuming that you already have an External Tool configured just right click on the menu bar and choose Customize Menus and Toolbars...: enter image description here

    Next step is to mark the last item (whatever that is in your setup) in Main Toolbar and select Add After...:

    enter image description here

    Now you can select your external tool from the Choose Actions To Add window (here you can also select an icon to use):

    enter image description here

    Action has been added:

    enter image description here

    And your button has been added to the toolbar:

    enter image description here