What's the best way to get my own twitter ID from twitter4j?
Say I have the following:
public static void main(String [] args)
Twitter t;
long cursor = -1;
long myID = 123456789L;
long[] friendIDs
t = TwitterFactory.getSingleton();
friendIDs = t.getFollowersIDs(myID, cursor).getIDs();
//do something with frienIDs ....
How to I get the twitter object to generate myID?
From your code snippet it seems you are trying to login to your Twitter A/c and fetch your connections/followers and do something with them.
First you need to register your app with Twitter and generate OAuth Authentication. You will get following - consumerkey, consumersecret, accesstoken and accesstokensecret.
Using the keys and secret you would create a Twitter instance, which you can use to access your Twitter User ID.
String consumerkey = "consumerkey";
String consumersecret = "consumersecret";
String accesstoken = "accesstoken";
String accesstokensecret = "accesstokensecret";
ConfigurationBuilder twitterConfigBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory(twitterConfigBuilder.build()).getInstance();
myID = twitter.getID(); // This will give the id with which application was registered.
Hope this helps. Also check this - http://iag.me/socialmedia/how-to-create-a-twitter-app-in-8-easy-steps/.