I am trying to add NERDTree to my RHEL machine by appending following lines in .vimrc after placing NERD_tree.vim in plugin folder.
autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree
autocmd VimEnter * wincmd p
The problem is that I am able to run it using these commands in Mac but RHEL throws this error:
Error detected while processing VimEnter Auto commands for "*":
E492: Not an editor command: NERDTree
Can somebody help me resolve this error?
When :NERDTree
also doesn't work, that means that the plugin isn't properly installed.
To troubleshoot, check the output of :scriptnames
; it must list .../plugin/NERD_tree.vim
(in the location where you've put it), and verify the value of 'runtimepath'
, especially if you use a plugin manager (like Pathogen, Vundle, etc.)