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how to get firefox address bar url for python (pywin32)

i need grab to firefox address bar. how to get address bar url for python ? (i need second part other browsers chrome and safari grabbing address bar but firefox is urgently).



  • You will need to go thru all top windows, and see if title contains firefox or check window class of firefox using spy++, then go thru all child windows to find URL, as a starting point do something like this

    import win32gui
    def enumerationCallaback(hwnd, results):
        text = win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)
        if text.find("Mozilla Firefox") >= 0:
            results.append((hwnd, text))
    mywindows = []    
    win32gui.EnumWindows(enumerationCallaback, mywindows)
    for win, text in mywindows:
        print text
    def recurseChildWindow(hwnd, results):
        win32gui.EnumChildWindows(hwnd, recurseChildWindow, results)
        print hwnd
        # try to get window class, text etc using SendMessage and see if it is what we want
    mychildren = []
    recurseChildWindow(mywindows[0][0], mychildren)

    Also you can use this module to do most of such tasks