Using payflow .net dll I am trying to create a Recurring Billing Profile without forcing my clients to take on the PCI compliance burden of handling credit card data so here's what I'm currently doing...
This all works however when PayPal tries to create a transaction using the RBP it gets Result Code 30, Duplicate, error 10536 - ...duplicate invoice id... I'm not setting an invoice id anywhere in my code. When in step 2 I create an authorization instead of a sale it works (although the trans type in the IPN ends up being "cart"???). So I assume this is a problem with converting a sale to a RBP. If that is not allowed then step 3 should stop me but it doesn't. So is there a way around this problem?
NOTE: When using Express Checkout with the paypalcoresdk and paypalmerchantsdk dlls I am able to create a sale transaction AND a RBP using the same token and it all works and the IPN tran type ends up being recurring_payment which is correct.
NOTE 2: The best solution would be for PayPal to allow me to create an RBP using a secure token. I have not been able to make that work.
NOTE 3: The reason I'm not using an Authorization transaction is because this would result in the client having loads of Auth transaction in PayPal that they could Capture at anytime resulting in duplicate payments.
To get rid of this error , Login to your Paypal account , go to Profile --> My selling Tools --> Block Payments . Here you will see something like " Block the payments with same invoice id " , put it to "No" and save the settings . It should be fine afterwards .