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Maintaining large numbers of Concordion scripts

I am currently working for a large organisation with about 2k developers working in our IT department. We maintain many things including our e-commerce platform and there are currently about 30 projects currently impacting that.

Recently all of our teams have been instructed to deliver a series of automated tests using Concordion and Selenium Webdriver. For a while this has been going fairly well and many tests have been created but lately maintaining the existing tests while our e-commerce platform constantly changes has been somewhat of a nightmare. We have thousands of test scripts covering many parts of our website but there does not seem to be any facility in Concordion to split scripts into reusable compartments which could then be maintained once, rather than having to make changes to hundreds of HTML files for one change.

How are other people approaching this?


  • Thank you for sharing your experience with us. It’s great to hear / read about large scale application of behavior driven development / specification by example.

    One approach that could help you is to focus on key examples ( During specification workshops the entire team is working to get a common understanding of the new user needs and requirements. Then you go on and write specification documents containing key examples. There you should not try to cover everything, but to write only as many examples as necessary to express the common understanding. Additionally, you should try to identify concepts, on which the examples are based. Are there some examples related to a similar topic – this is probably an underlying concept. It is often easier to understand the examples, if they focus just on one concept (e.g. the validation of a card number). Each concept can be usually described with only a few examples.

    Do you have any other types of automated tests (e.g. unit tests)? Are you experiencing the same maintainability challenges with these other tests? Could you use good practices from these other test types to improve your Concordion approach?

    Could you tell us more about your setup? How many active specifications have you already created within your company?