I am trying to pass colors from these constants to to the Set fontcolor function below but everytime I do I get "unable to parse color name" unless I pass it directly from a GIMP Dialog. I even logged the variables being passed in directly, the value from number 2 is a direct copy from the log. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong or missing here. Thanks
FontGREEN1 = '(RGB(0,255,0,))'
FontGREEN2 = 'RGB (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)'
#This causes the error
def setColor1 ( txtlayer, color):
color = FontGREEN1
pdb.gimp_text_layer_set_color(txtlayer, color)
#This causes the error
def setColor2 ( txtlayer ):
color = FontGREEN2
pdb.gimp_text_layer_set_color(txtlayer, color)
#this work fine, color passed directly from GIMP Dialog
def setColor3 ( txtlayer, color):
pdb.gimp_text_layer_set_color(txtlayer, color)
def setTextColor (img, drw, color ):
txtlayer = img.active_layer
setColor3(txtlayer, color)
'Changes the color of the text with python',
'Changes the color of the text with python',
'<Image>/File/Change Text Color...',
'', # imagetypes
(PF_COLOR,"normal_color","Green Color of the Normal Font",(0,234,0) ),
], # Parameters
[], # Results
The Color parameter passed to GIMP's PDB functions may be a string, or a 3-number sequence that can be interpreted in a variety of ways.
If you pass a string, it accepts CSS color names, like "red"
, "blue"
- or Hexadecimal RGB codes prefixed by an "#" like "#ff0000"
or "#0f0
" - but it does not accept CSS function style syntax as a string i.e. no "RGB(val1, val2, val3)"
passed as strings.
Instead, you can either pass a 3 number sequence as any argument that accepts color values. If your three numbers are integers, they are interpreted as being on the traditional 0-255 range for each component. Ex:
sets the foreground color to Red
If any of the numbers is a float, the 3-sequence is interpreted as RGB numbers in the 0-1.0 range:
sets FG to Blue.
So, if you get a CSS string somehwere else that might contain a "RGB (...)" sequence, perhaps the simplest way to make it work is to strip out the "RGB" characters and parse the colors as a tuple - and feed that tuple to GIMP:
>>> mycolor = "RGB (230, 128, 0)"
>>> from ast import literal_eval
>>> color_tuple = literal_eval("(" + mycolor.split("(", 1)[-1])
>>> pdb.gimp_context_set_foreground(color_tuple)
If you want more control and have real "color" objects that can be passed around, check the "gimpcolor" module that can be imported from a GIMP plug-in. It is not needed in most cases, but can be usefull if you need to generate the output, or parse color names yourself, or even do some naive RGB<->HSL<->CMYK conversions. (they don't take into account color profiles or color spaces though - one should use GEGL and its Python bindings for that)