Search code examples

How does one set the stop word list on an App Engine Cloud SQL database using InnoDb?

I am using the MySQL 5.6 version of Cloud SQL on App Engine using InnoDB.

I want to enable full text search queries, but for my application it is essential to change the stop word list. Normally in MySQL this is possible by creating a table with the stop word list and using the innodb_ft_server_stopword_table config setting. See fulltext-stopwords.

How can this be done on Google Cloud SQL?



  • We heard you :)

    I've got some code out to enable setting innodb_ft_server_stopword_table in Google Cloud SQL. It'll take a couple days for it to move out to production, but you should hopefully be able to set this by the end of the week. You'll have the ability to set it using the Developer Console or gcloud.

    Hope this helps!