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Smarty assign value to an array variable

I am using SMARTY and I need to create an array and assign value to a particular index of it.

this is my php code:

   $tag = str_replace('-', ' ',$_GET['tag']);
    $tag = strip_tags(trim(mysql_real_escape_string(addslashes($tag)))); // the tags word variable

    $tag_sql = "SELECT * FROM items WHERE item_published='0' AND item_tags LIKE '%$tag%' ";
$tag_query = mysql_query($tag_sql);
    while ($tag_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($tag_query)) {
   $items[] = $tag_row;
    $smarty->assign('items',$items); // assign the  items loop to smarty

when i use this code in smarty template

 {section name=x loop=$items } {$items[x].item_url} {/section}

html output is

I want to be html output



  • You can do it this way:

    {section name=x loop=$items } {append var="urls" value="'`$items[x].item_url`'"} {/section}

    Output for that is:


    For Smarty 2 you can use:

    {section name=x loop=$items } '{$items[x].item_url}'{if not $smarty.section.x.last},{/if} {/section}