I have the following code in Delphi 7 to draw Copyright text along the curved edge of a DVD. We are using an old version of Graphics32.
We are switching to Delphi XE5 with the latest code from Graphics32 and this code no longer compiles; in particular LoadArcCurve and drawingBuffer.RenderFittedText no longer exists as methods.
procedure TCDLabel.DrawCopyrightText(const drawingBuffer: TBitmap32Ex);
FixedPointArray : TArrayOfFixedPoint;
Center : TFixedPoint;
vAngle1 : double;
vAngle2 : double;
radius : integer;
CopyrightText : string;
textColor : TColor32;
radius := (fImageSize div 2) - 30;
UpdateTextTransform(8{2.3}, drawingBuffer);
Center.x := GR32.Fixed(fImageSize div 2);
Center.y := GR32.Fixed(fImageSize div 2);
vAngle1 := DegToRad(-130);
textColor := clWhite32;
vAngle2 := DegToRad(0);
LoadArcCurve(Center, GR32.Fixed(radius), GR32.Fixed(radius), vAngle1, vAngle2, FixedPointArray);
CopyrightText := Format('%s %s Dystopia Unlimited. All rights reserved.', [GetCopyrightSymbol, fCopyrightYears]);
drawingBuffer.RenderFittedText(CopyrightText, textColor, pdoAntialising or pdoFilling, FixedPointArray);
FixedPointArray := NIL;
end; {DrawCopyrightText}
I have the following code snippet in Delphi XE5 using the latest Graphic32 code and have attempted various other similar methods without success.
canvas := TCanvas32.Create(drawingBuffer); // drawingBuffer is a TBitmap32
canvas.Brushes[0].Visible := TRUE;
(canvas.Brushes[0] as TStrokeBrush).StrokeWidth := 2;
(canvas.Brushes[0] as TStrokeBrush).FillColor := clWhite32;
canvas.Path.Arc(Center, -130, 0, radius);
TextToPath(drawingBuffer.Font.Handle, canvas.Path, FloatRect(0, 0, fImageSize, fImageSize), CopyrightText);
All of the examples in the new Graphics32 that I can find appear to draw directly onto a Delphi control canvas while I am required to draw onto a TBitmap32.
How do I render text along an arc in an image/bitmap using Delphi XE5 and the latest version of Graphics32?
I think that the best way to implement what you describe is to use Angus Johnson's excellent extension to graphics32, GR32_Text.