How can I update a column in a table in an access db, so the time isn't given in java milliseconds (e.g. change "1395751603796" to "25.03.2014 12:46" or something similar)?
Edit for clarification: The type of the column is Text, but I can create a new column of the type Date/Time. I imported values for further use (e.g. grouping by month etc.), and the values just happened to be milliseconds. I'd prefer to just update the table (with > 400,000 rows) in Access.
For a table named [msTable] with a Text field named [milliseconds] and a Date/Time field named [DateTimeField]
ID milliseconds DateTimeField
-- ------------- -------------------
1 1395751603796
the query
UPDATE msTable
SET DateTimeField = DateAdd("s",Round(CDbl(milliseconds)/1000,0),DateSerial(1970,1,1))
results in
ID milliseconds DateTimeField
-- ------------- -------------------
1 1395751603796 2014-03-25 12:46:44