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Add Custom Tool to Windows Command Bar With Dynamic Verb

How can I create a Windows Explorer command bar tool that takes a dynamic string?

I already know how to add my tool to the command bar and execute the command on click.

enter image description here

But I need a toolbar like the second one after Organize.

I need that when I click to the file name of my tool be like My Tool - File name (selected.txt) or My Tool - Selected File Extension (.txt).

Does anyone have an idea about how to do that?


  • 1) Create a shell extension. Your shell extension must implement IInitializeCommand, IObjectWithSite, IObjectWithSelection, IExplorerCommand and IExplorerCommandState.

    2) Register your shell extension:


    If default value of TasksItemsSelected key is not empty you MUST add new string to old! For example prev value is Windows.copy the new must be Windows.copy;YourCommandID

    {5c4f28b5-f869-4e84-8e60-f11db97c5cc7} is FOLDERTYPEID_Generic.

    3) IExplorerCommand.GetFlags must return ECF_HASSUBCOMMANDS or ECF_ISDROPDOWN

    4) IExplorerCommand.EnumSubCommands must return object implements IEnumExplorerCommand

    5) IEnumExplorerCommand.Next must return object implements IExplorerCommand, IObjectWithSite and IObjectWithSelection. Every object is a single command of sub menu.

    It works only on Win7.