Now i'm using LineGraphView like,
GraphView graphView = new LineGraphView(this.getActivity(), "GraphView");
this draw line Grid .. but i want dashed line for graphview grid.. i am using jjoe64 graph android that is Graphview-3.1.3.jar
there is any method for that.. thanks in advance
you could override the LineGraphView drawSeries and change the paint object.
Something like that:
GraphView graphView = new LineGraphView(this.getActivity(), "GraphView") {
public void drawSeries(Canvas canvas, GraphViewDataInterface[] values, float graphwidth, float graphheight, float border, double minX, double minY, double diffX, double diffY, float horstart, GraphViewSeriesStyle style) {
paint.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[] {10,20}, 0));