I am trying to port some simple digital IO code from a CCS compiler to XC8.
The MCU is PIC12F675.
XC8 does not have peripheral libraries for 12 series.
I have managed to configure it, set clock etc.
I can't seem to use pins 0-3 as digital IO by default.
I think it is because of the ADC configuration but it might be any of the parameters below.
Can someone help me write this CCS code to XC8?
Thanks in advance.
I managed to do it, now it seems to work properly:
ANSEL = 0x00;
ADCON0 = 0x00;
CMCON = 0x07;
VRCON = 0x00;
TRISIO = 0x2F; //or whatever your config
GPIO = 0x00;
There was no need to set timers in order for digital GPIO to work.