I've enabled vagrant's GUI as following
config.vm.provider "vmware_fusion" do |v|
v.gui = true
v.vmx["memsize"] = "3072"
v.vmx["numvcpus"] = "1"
v.vmx["displayName"] = "xyz"
v.vmx["annotation"] = "xyz"
Still I am getting following error
An error occurred while executing `vmrun`, a utility for controlling
VMware machines. The command and output are below:
Command: ["start", "/home/it6/projects/xyz/vagrant/.vagrant/machines/default/vmware_workstation/9ecd4376-4ec4-416e-8919-8d6ea9198097/precise-vmware-basebox-1391995859.vmx", "nogui", {:notify=>[:stdout, :stderr]}]
Stdout: Error: The operation was canceled
So it is showing standard error and hence I am not able to debug it. Can anyone show me how to enable gui so i can get more descriptive error hence I can solve this mysterious error.
I discovered the solution. When I ran the vagrant up
command after opening the VMWare program it started showing the gui error. So making sure that VMWare was running in background solved my issue.