I am using Logback + SLF4J
to do logging for those actors with trait of akka.actor.ActorLogging
. However, when I do the code log.error("Error occur!", e)
, the stack trace of the exception e
is not logged, but only print a line of Error occur! WARNING arguments left: 1
. I wonder why and how to print the stack trace in the log file. Thank you. The following is my logback.groovy
file configuration.
appender("FILE", RollingFileAppender) {
file = "./logs/logd.txt"
append = true
rollingPolicy(TimeBasedRollingPolicy) {
fileNamePattern = "./logs/logd.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log"
maxHistory = 30
encoder(PatternLayoutEncoder) {
pattern = "%date{ISO8601} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} %X{sourceThread} - %msg%n"
root(DEBUG, ["FILE"])
Akka has separate logging, which is configured in Akka's application.conf. If you want bridge to SLF4J/Logback - use thеsе settings:
akka {
loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]
loglevel = "DEBUG"
See: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.0/scala/logging.html
As far as I can see here, reason (Throwable) should be the first argument of log.error
def error(cause: Throwable, message: String)
That's why you see "WARNING arguments left" - your Throwable argument was just ignored.