I'm looking to find the total daily market cap of a stock exchange. So far I have calculated daily market caps for each firm listed and now I'm calculating an aggregated market cap for the exchange.
The code I have used so far is:
proc means data=index.mrk_cap sum;
var MarketCap;
by date;
output out=Tot_MKT;
This generates daily market caps but only in a project form output and I would like my data to be usable in a data set. Any modifications that would let me create daily market caps would be great.
You need to put the sum
keyword on the output
output out=Tot_MKT sum(MarketCap)=mktCap_Sum;
doesn't by default create any variables; you have to specify exactly what you want output to the dataset. There are a wealth of papers on the subject available (search http://lexjansen.com/ or http://sas.com/ for examples).