This is an embarrassing question, but even the well-written documentation provided with boost.interprocess hasn't been enough for me to figure out how to do this.
What I have is a cached_adaptive_pool allocator instance, and I want to use it to construct an object, passing along constructor parameters:
struct Test {
Test(float argument, bool flag);
// Normal construction
Test obj(10, true);
// Normal dynamic allocation
Test* obj2 = new Test(20, false);
typedef managed_unique_ptr<
Test, boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory>::type unique_ptr;
// Dynamic allocation where allocator_instance == cached_adaptive_pool,
// using the default constructor
unique_ptr obj3 = allocator_instance.allocate_one()
// As above, but with the non-default constructor
unique_ptr obj4 = allocator_instance ... ???
This may very well be a failure on my part on how to use allocator objects in general. But in any case, I cannot see how to use this specific allocator, with the interface specified in cached_adaptive_pool to pass constructor arguments to my object.
has the method: void construct(const pointer & ptr, const_reference v)
but I don't understand what that means and I can't find examples using it.
My head has been swimming in templates all day, so a helping hand, even if the answer is obvious, will be greatly appreciated.
cached_adaptive_pool has the method: void construct(const pointer & ptr, const_reference v) but I don't understand what that means and I can't find examples using it.
It should follow the interface of std::allocator
, in which case allocate()
gives you a suitable chunk of uninitialized memory and construct()
calls placement new on the given pointer.
Something like:
allocator_instance.construct(allocator_instance.allocate_one(), Test(30, true));
Haven't used those pools myself, though. In C++0x, allocators should be able to call any constructor, not just the copy constructor, so it might be that boost's allocators already support this to an extent.
a.construct(p, 30, true); //a C++0x allocator would allow this and call new (p) Test(30, true)