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Camera preview image data processing with Android L and Camera2 API

I'm working on an android app that is processing the input image from the camera and displays it to the user. This is fairly simple, I register a PreviewCallback on the camera object with the setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer. This is easy and works smoothly with the old camera API

public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera cam) {
    // custom image data processing

I'm trying to port my app to take advantage of the new Camera2 API and I'm not sure how exactly shall I do that. I followed the Camera2Video in L Preview samples that allows to record a video. However, there is no direct image data transfer in the sample, so I don't understand where exactly shall I get the image pixel data and how to process it.

Could anybody help me or suggest the way how one can get the the functionality of PreviewCallback in android L, or how it's possible to process preview data from the camera before displaying it to the screen? (there is no preview callback on the camera object)

Thank you!


  • Since the Camera2 API is very different from the current Camera API, it might help to go through the documentation.

    A good starting point is camera2basic example. It demonstrates how to use Camera2 API and configure ImageReader to get JPEG images and register ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener to receive those images

    To receive preview frames, you need to add your ImageReader's surface to setRepeatingRequest's CaptureRequest.Builder.

    Also, you should set ImageReader's format to YUV_420_888, which will give you 30fps at 8MP (The documentation guarantees 30fps at 8MP for Nexus 5).