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Using a message class static method taking in an action to wrap Try/Catch

I have a Result object that lets me pass around a List of event messages and I can check whether an action was successful or not.

I've realized I've written this code in alot of places

Result result;

    //Do Something 

    //New result is automatically a success for not having any errors in it
    result = new Result(); 
catch (Exception exception)
    //Extension method that returns a Result from the exception
    result = exception.ToResult();

if(result.Success) ....

What I'm considering is replacing this usage with

public static Result CatchException(Action action)
        return new Result();
    catch (Exception exception)
        return exception.ToResult();

And then use it like

var result = Result.CatchException(() => _model.Save(something));

Does anyone feel there's anything wrong with this or that I'm trading reusability for obscurity?

Edit: The reason I am trapping all exceptions is I use this code inside of my ViewPresenter classes at any point I interact with my model since if I get an unhandled exception I'd rather display the actual error to the user (internal app) as opposed to just redirecting them the generic error page.


  • I don't think there is anything wrong with using a functional approach, and passing in a lambda. That is perfectly valid.

    That being said, I'd question your use in this specific scenario. Trapping all exceptions into a general purpose "Result" class seems dangerous. Ideally, you should be catching exceptions which you can handle correctly - not every possible exception and continuing.

    That being said, if you really want to do this, I have a couple of suggestions for you:

    1) I'd make a static, immutable result for success, and just do:

    result = result.Success;

    This avoids generating a new "success" each time you succeed, which hopefully is the most common option.

    2) I'd probably avoid the extension method, and do:

    result = new Result(exception);

    This will be much more clear and obvious in intent, and there's really no reason to do an extension method in this case...