Search code examples

Filtering @getFilesAtPath results in Docpad

In Docpad, the following code (using a Query-Engine helper and eco) pulls a list of file names from a directory tree and addds their url to an array:

<% images = []; %>
<% for file in @getFilesAtPath({relativeOutDirPath: 'images/'}).toJSON() : %>
    <% images.push(file.url) %>
<% end %>

How might I limit the query to a subset of files, say only PNGs?


  • So like stated in my answer to your other question: What methods can be called on Docpad's Query tools?

    Object returned by your query has some additional default metadata you can't see. As you can see here, one of the metadata is "extension". So you can query with condition like:


    So your code might look like (notice findAll part that gives you a possibility to set search condidtions):

    <% images = []; %>
    <% for file in @getFilesAtPath({relativeOutDirPath: 'images/'}).findAll(extension:'png').toJSON() : %>
        <% images.push(file.url) %>
    <% end %>

    Or if you want to return all files and trigger different actions on different extensions you could:

    <% images = []; %>
    <% for file in @getFilesAtPath(relativeOutDirPath: 'images/').toJSON() : %>
        <% if file.extension is 'png' : %>
            <% images.push(file.url) %>
        <% end %>
    <% end %>