I have an IRC Bot in C# and I want to use Lua Scripting for the moment. On bot startup I want to register functions, and detect if a new file has been added then load it. I did the new file / reload scripts function already, but when I hit run I get "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." on a custom function I want users to be able to use.
Here's the current code:
public Lua lua;
public void RegisterFunctions() {
lua.RegisterFunction("print", this, typeof(DashLua).GetMethod("ConsoleOut"));
#region Custom Functions for Lua
public void ConsoleOut(String line) {
if (line == null) {
Console.WriteLine("Script error: print() can't be null.");
} else {
In the Main() of the bot I have just 2 lines currently:
DashLua dash = new DashLua();
NLua (NuGet) only works on x64 builds which is why none of this actually worked. So if you're building a project and really need a Lua as a scripting language, you need to change your build to x64 in the Project's properties. That being said, you can get the Win32 version at their website which is a shame it's not on nuget.
EDIT: When you go and download the Win32 build, it's empty. I guess they have not built it and encourage you to build it yourself.