I'm using ActivePython 2.5.1 and the cookielib package to retrieve web pages.
I'd like to display a given cookie from the cookiejar instead of the whole thing:
#OK to display all the cookies
for index, cookie in enumerate(cj):
print index, ' : ', cookie
#How to display just PHPSESSID?
#AttributeError: CookieJar instance has no attribute '__getitem__'
print "PHPSESSID: %s" % cj['PHPSESSID']
I'm sure it's very simple but googling for this didn't return samples.
Thank you.
The cookiejar does not have a dict-like interface, only iteration is supported. So you have to implement a lookup method yourself.
I am not sure what cookie attribute you want do do the lookup on. Example, using name:
def get_cookie_by_name(cj, name):
return [cookie for cookie in cj if cookie.name == name][0]
cookie = get_cookie_by_name(cj, "PHPSESSID")
If you're not familiar with the [...]
syntax, it is a list comprehension. The [0]
then picks the first element of the list of matching cookies.