I'd like to get Om to work with ScrollSpy.
I'm currently using this code:
(defn main-component
[data owner]
#js {:className "col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-2 col-md-10 col-md-offset-2 main"}
#js {:className "main-panel"
:data-spy "scroll"
:data-target ".nav-sidebar"}
(defn sidebar-component
[data owner]
#js {:className "container-fluid"}
#js {:className "row"}
#js {:className "col-sm-2 col-md-2 sidebar"}
#js {:className "nav-sidebar"}
#js {:className "nav"}
(dom/li nil (dom/a #js {:href "#thing-1"} "Thing 1"))
(dom/li nil (dom/a #js {:href "#thing-2"} "Thing 2"))
(dom/li nil (dom/a #js {:href "#thing-3"} "Thing 3"))
(defn app-component
"The top-level Om component."
[data owner]
(om/build sidebar-component data)
(om/build main-component data))
Currently, it seems to work up until Om / React.js re-renders the DOM. After that, ScrollSpy stops working. I think I know why. According to Bootstrap ScrollSpy: "When using scrollspy in conjunction with adding or removing of elements from the DOM, you'll need to call the refresh method like so:"
$('[data-spy="scroll"]').each(function () {
var $spy = $(this).scrollspy('refresh');
What should I do? I think I want to hook into Om and tell it to call ScrollSpy as shown above.
I made a few changes to get this to work.
First, ScrollSpy needs to bind to the scrolling element, e.g. the body, not an element nested inside. So I removed the static attributes from the "main panel" shown above (e.g. main-component
). Next, I show how I use scripting to bind to the body element.
Second, I added handlers for IDidMount and IDidUpdate as follows:
(defn app-component
[data owner]
(.log js/console "did-mount")
(-> (js/$ "body")
(.scrollspy #js {:target ".nav-sidebar"})))
[this prev-props prev-state]
(.log js/console "did-update")
(-> (js/$ "body")
(.scrollspy "refresh")))
; ...