I am preparing for my on-campus placement and find this question on previous year's paper from Citrix.
I think answer should be '1' (First come first serve), but need better clarification or may be i am wrong. Thanks
The answer,undoubtedly,has to be (i) First Come First Serve
The reason for that being when you increase the time-quantum for processes,then each process would basically execute completely(because of longer quantum time) at the first hand. So, newer process would be added to queue, and hence, each process will execute in its order of time of arrival as they are inserted in the queue sequentially (Queue Is First In First Out Data Structure).
hence, all the process would run as per their order of arrival, hence, the qualified answer will be First Come First Serve
scheduling algorithm.
Also, the Shortest Job First
and Least Recently Used
scheduling algorithms isn't at all similar to Round Robin Scheduling algorithm, except when they are the special cases when shortest processes come first in order as compared to longer processes. And,least recently used has nothing to do with Round Robin Scheduling