I need to get the feedback star ratings for 5 questions, I'm using titanium alloy mobile development. For the same reason I have used the star rating widget from the below link,
From the above link there is only one set of stars, But I need to use the star ratings for 5 times. How can I do that. I need the following format
1. Question?
2. Question?
3. Question?
4. Question?
5. Question?
The widget is working fine but the stars are displaying only for one question, I need the stars for all the five questions, below is my current output,
<Window id="questionnaireWin" title="Plan India" platform="android,ios">
<View id="header">
<Label id="title">Feedback</Label>
<Label id="question1" class="question">1. Question 1?</Label>
<Require type="widget" src="starrating" id="widget" name="widget" />
<Label id="question2" class="question">2. Question 2?</Label>
<Require type="widget" src="starrating" id="widget" name="widget" />
<Button class="button" onClick="submitRatings">Proceed</Button>
Though, I'm using widget twice it is showing only once. Please help how to do this?
Else any easy way to do this using any plugins or something esle?
You have required the same widget tow times using the same id. you should define different id.
<Window id="questionnaireWin" title="Plan India" platform="android,ios">
<View id="header">
<Label id="title">Feedback</Label>
<Label id="question1" class="question">1. Question 1?</Label>
<Require type="widget" src="starrating" id="widget1" name="widget" />
<Label id="question2" class="question">2. Question 2?</Label>
<Require type="widget" src="starrating" id="widget2" name="widget" />
<Button class="button" onClick="submitRatings">Proceed</Button>
and the in you js file initialize widget1 & widget2 ...
EDIT you can test this example that i have created ...