I have a question about filtering a controller and its actions for multiple user roles. Lets say i have a controller named MyController :
public class MyController extends \BaseController
public static function index()
public static function show()
public static function create()
public static function store()
public static function other()
And i have 2 filters for each roles, named admin and staff :
Route::filter('admin', function()
// Lines of code to get role
if($role != 'admin') return View::make('errors.401');
Route::filter('staff', function()
// Lines of code to get role
if($role != 'staff') return View::make('errors.401');
Then, i'm trying to use beforeFilter on the constructor of MyController :
public function __construct()
$this->beforeFilter('admin', ['only' => ['index', 'show', 'create', 'store']]);
$this->beforeFilter('staff', ['only' => ['index', 'show']]);
When I added the first beforeFilter, it works as I expected (when I logged in to my application as staff, I cannot access the index, show, create, and store methods). But when I added the second filter and logged in as staff again, I cannot access the index and show actions, which is I expected to be accessible by staff.
My questions are, is it possible to define filters for multiple roles in the constructor of a controller? (In this case, I want to make action index and show accessible by admin and staff, but create and store only accessible by admin) And if it is possible, how could I achieve that?
I assume you have Admin can access all feature, and staff can access everything except "show"
This is the controller
class MyController extends \BaseController
public function __construct(){
$this->beforeFilter('admin', ['only' => ['show']]);
public function index()
echo "index";
public function show()
echo "show";
See in your last post, you are using public class, I believe in PHP you will just need class, in function better don't use static.
Here is the filters.php
Route::filter('admin', function()
// Lines of code to get role
if($role != 'admin') return "This is only for admin";
In the routes.php
Route::get("/my", "MyController@index");
Route::get("/show", "MyController@show");
Then try to login as admin, you will can access "index" and "show" Then try to login as staff, you will can access "index" but cannot access "show"