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Convert sparse dictionary representation into a dense dataframe

I would like to convert a list of dictionaries which sparsely represent individual observations of features into a dense data structure (e.g. a dataframe).

Each observation is a dictionary with variable number of key(signal_name)-value depending on which signal has fired at a particularly instance.

I would like to convert this list of dictionaries into a dense dataframe such that the columns contain all possible keys. I began writing some code, but thought that I'd ask first if this functionality actually exists in a package somewhere.



  • I'm not sure what you've tried but this seems to Just WorkTM.

    In [11]: d1 = {'A': 1}
    In [12]: d2 = {'A': 4, 'B': 5}
    In [13]: d3 = {'C': 9}
    In [14]: pd.DataFrame([d1, d2, d3])
        A   B   C
    0   1 NaN NaN
    1   4   5 NaN
    2 NaN NaN   9