I am trying to get Tweets based on user input string and parse tweet text, extract web link from the tweet (ignore tweets without a web link) and parse it to show in WebView Dialog with a next button(so when clicked to move to the next WebView(show next content of the link parsed from tweet)). I am getting the tweets result (without filtering), how can i filter them and get the URL so i can parse it for the WebView ?
Here is the code i am running on background thread:
protected WebView doInBackground(String... strings) {
//Get userInput
String searchTerm = strings[0];
//Initialize Twitter Connection
ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
builder.setOAuthConsumerKey(sharedPreferences.getString(TwitterConstants.getPrefConsumerKey(), ""));
builder.setOAuthConsumerSecret(sharedPreferences.getString(TwitterConstants.getPrefConsumerSecret(), ""));
AccessToken accessToken = new AccessToken(sharedPreferences.getString(TwitterConstants.getPrefAccessToken(), ""), sharedPreferences.getString(TwitterConstants.getPrefAccessTokenSecret(), ""));
Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory(builder.build()).getInstance(accessToken);
try {
//Query object
Query query = new Query(searchTerm);
//The number of tweets to return per page [max:100]
//Return only the most recent results in the response
QueryResult result = twitter.search(query);
Log.e("Twitter QueryResult", result.toString());
}catch(TwitterException e){
return null;
If you are using twitter4j Library, there is URLEntity
class which you can get from twitter4j.Status
by calling status.getURLEntities();
This will return an Array of URLEntity
. So here you go, you can check if the tweet has urlEntity inside and you can get the url mentioned in the tweet by calling urlEntity.getURL();
EDIT For the answer including code, take a look @hrskrs 's answer below.