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DQL to find out current version documents in a folder

How to query folder and document both so that we can get:

  1. All the subfolder documents.
  2. Only the folder documents.
  3. Count of documents in the subfolder, with the folder name.


  • I took the liberty to name queries a bit differently than OP asked it, but it fits it too. It is just a bit more clearer what some query returns. I used Temp folder for this example.

    1. All documents in folder including subfolders
    SELECT *
    FROM dm_document 
    1. All documents in folder
    SELECT * 
    FROM dm_document 
    WHERE FOLDER('/Temp')
    1. Count of documents in specific subfolders under some folder
    SELECT COUNT(doc.r_object_id) AS doc_ammount, fol.object_name AS folder_object_name 
    FROM dm_document doc, dm_folder fol 
    WHERE FOLDER('/Temp', descend) AND ANY doc.i_folder_id = fol.r_object_id 
    GROUP BY (fol.object_name)